Publications listed in Web of Science
Refereed Papers (Full paper)
Particle Method
(Key papers, Single phase flow, Multi phase flow, rigid body & Elastic solid, Accurate particle methods (CMPS/CISPH), Turbulence model, 3D
parallel computing)
Computational Mechanics of Sediment Transport
(Key papers, Single particle tracking, Multi phase flow model, Granular material model, Rigid body model)
Crowd Behavior Model
(Key papers, Evacuation from Tsunami, Others)
Other Subjects in Coastal Engineering
Interpretive Articles
Invited Lectures
Refereed Conference Papers
(Particle Method, Computational Mechanics of Sediment Transport, Crowd Behavior Model, Other Subjects in Coastal Engineering)
Number | |
Refereed Papers (International, Full paper) | 111 |
Refereed Papers (Domestic, Full paper) | 235 |
Refereed Conference Papers (International) | 120 |
Papers in Domestic Symposiums | 10 |
Total | 476 |
Books | 9 |
Interpretive Articles | 11 |
Invited Lecture | 20 |
Publications listed in Web of Science
- Gotoh, T., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2024). Enhanced schemes for resolution of the continuity equation in projection-based SPH. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 166: 105848. [Link]
- Harada, E., Tazaki, T. and Gotoh, H. (2024). Investigation of turbulent flow induced by particle sedimentation using RIM-PIV, J. Hydro-environment Res. 54: 13-25. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Shimizu, Y., Lee, C. H., Gil, A., Gotoh, H. and Bonet, J. (2023). An improved Updated Lagrangian SPH method for structural modelling. Comput. Particle Mech. 11:1055-1086.[Link]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. Shimizu, Y. and Gotoh, T. (2023). An improved Riemann SPH-Hamiltonian SPH coupled solver for hydroelastic fluid–structure interactions. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 158: 332-355.[Link]
- Tsuruta, N., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2023). Development of Advective Dynamic Stabilization scheme for ISPH simulations of free- surface fluid flows. Computers & Fluids. 266:106048.[Link]
- Tazaki, T., Harada, E., Gotoh, H.(2023). Grain-scale investigation of swash zone sediment transport on a gravel beach using DEM-MPS coupled scheme. Coastal Engineering Journal. 65(2): 347-368. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Shimizu, Y., Gotoh, T. and Gotoh, H. (2023). Enhanced resolution of the continuity equation in explicit weakly compressible SPH simulations of incompressible free-surface fluid flows. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 116: 84-121. [Link]
- Ikari, H., Gotoh, H. (2023). Fully implicit discrete element method for granular column collapse. Comp. Part. Mech. 10: 261–271.[Link]
- Shimizu, Y., Gotoh, H., Khayyer, A. and Kita, K. (2022). Fundamental Investigation on the Applicability of a Higher-Order Consistent ISPH Method. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. 32(3): 275-284. [Link]
- Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2022). An implicit SPH-based structure model for accurate Fluid–Structure Interaction simulations with hourglass control scheme. European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids. 96: 122-145. [Link]
- Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2022). An SPH-based fully-Lagrangian meshfree implicit FSI solver with high-order discretization terms. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 137:160-181. [Link]
- Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2022). An enhanced incompressible SPH method for simulation of fluid flow interactions with saturated/unsaturated porous media of variable porosity. Ocean Systems Engineering. 12(1): 63-86.[Link]
- Tazaki, T., Harada, E. and Gotoh, H. (2022). Numerical investigation of sediment transport mechanism under breaking waves by DEM-MPS coupling scheme. Coastal Engineering. 175: Article 104146.[Link]
- Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2022). An implicit SPH-based structure model for accurate Fluid–Structure Interaction simulations with implicit hourglass control scheme. European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids. 96: 122-145.[Link]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. and Shimizu, Y. (2022). On systematic development of FSI solvers in the context of particle methods. Journal of Hydrodynamics. 34: 395-407.[Link]
- Tsurudome, C., Liang, D., Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2021). Study of beach permeability’s influence on solitary wave runup with ISPH method. Applied Ocean Research. 117: Article 102957.[Link]
- Harada, E., Ikari, H., Tazaki, T. and Gotoh, H. (2021). Numerical simulation for coastal morphodynamics using DEM-MPS method. Applied Ocean Research. 117: Article 102905. [Link]
- Gotoh, H., Khayyer, A. and Shimizu, Y. (2021). Entirely Lagrangian Meshfree Computational Methods for Hydroelastic Fluid-Structure Interactions in Ocean Engineering – Reliability, Adaptivity and Generality. Applied Ocean Research. 115: Article 102822. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Shimizu, Y. and Nishijima, Y. (2021). A 3D Lagrangian meshfree projection-based solver for hydroelastic Fluid-Structure Interactions. Jour. Fluid and Structures. 105: Article 103342. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Shimizu, Y., Gotoh, H. and Hattori, S. (2021). Multi-resolution ISPH-SPH for accurate and efficient simulation of hydroelastic fluid-structure interactions in ocean engineering. Ocean Engineering. 226: Article 108652. [Link]
- You, Y., Khayyer, A., Zheng, X., Gotoh, H. and Ma, Q. (2021). Enhancement of δ-SPH for ocean engineering applications through incorporation of a background mesh scheme. Applied Ocean Research. 110: Article 102508. [Link]
- Tsuruta, N., Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. and Suzuki, K. (2021). Development of Wavy Interface model for numerical wave flumes corresponding to particle methods. Coastal Engineering. 165: Article 103861. [Link]
- Tazaki, T., Harada, E. and Gotoh, H. (2021). Vertical sorting process in oscillating water tank using DEM-MPS coupling model. Coastal Engineering. 165: Article 103765. [Link]
- Harada, E., Tazaki, T. and Gotoh, H. (2020). Numerical investigation of ripple in oscillating water tank by DEM-MPS coupled solid-liquid two-phase flow model. Journal of Hydro-environment Research. 32: 26–47. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Shimizu, Y., Gotoh, H. and Nagashima, K. (2021). A coupled Incompressible SPH–Hamiltonian SPH solver for hydroelastic FSI corresponding to composite structures. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 94: 242-271. [Link]
- Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. and Nagashima, K. (2020). An enhanced multiphase ISPH-based method for accurate modeling of oil spill. Coastal Engineering Journal. 62(4): 625–646. [Link]
- Ikari, H., Yamano, T. and Gotoh, H. (2020). Multiphase particle method usingan elastoplastic solid phase model for the diffusion of dumped sandfrom a split hopper. Computers & Fluids. 208: 104639. [Link]
- Wang, L., Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Jiang, Q. and Zhang, C. (2019). Enhancement of pressure calculation in projection-based particle methods by incorporation of background mesh scheme. Applied Ocean Res. 86: 320-339. [Link]
- Harada, E., Ikari, H., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2019). Numerical simulation for swash morphodynamics by DEM–MPS coupling model. Coastal Engineering Journal. 61(1): 2-14. [Link]
- Tsuruta, N., Gotoh, H., Suzuki,K., Ikari, H. and Shimosako, K. (2019). Development of PARISPHERE as the particle-based numerical wave flume for coastal engineering problems. Coastal Engineering Journal. 61(1): 41-62. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Tsuruta, N., Shimizu, Y. and Gotoh, H. (2019). Multi-resolution MPS for incompressible fluid-elastic structure interactions in ocean engineering. Applied Ocean Res. 82: 397-414. [LINK]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. and Shimizu, Y. (2019). A projection-based particle method with optimized particle shifting for multiphase flows with large density ratios and discontinuous density fields. Computers & Fluids. 179: 356-371[LINK]
- Harada, E., Gotoh, H., Ikari, H., Khayyer, A. (2019). Numerical simulation for sediment transport using MPS-DEM coupling model. Adv. Water Res. 129: 354-364. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Falahaty, H. and Shimizu, Y. (2018). An Enhanced ISPH-SPH Coupled Method for Simulation of Incompressible Fluid-Elastic Structure Interactions. Comput. Phys. Commun. 232: 139-164. [LINK]
- Shimizu, Y., Gotoh, H. and Khayyer, A. (2018). An MPS-based particle method for simulation of multiphase flows characterized by high density ratios by incorporation of space potential particle concept. Comput. Math. Appl. 76(5): 1108-1129. [LINK]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Shimizu, Y., Gotoh, K., Falahaty, H. and Shao, S. (2018). Development of a projection-based SPH method for numerical wave flume with porous media of variable porosity. Coastal Eng. 140: 1-22. [LINK]
- Gotoh, H. and Khayyer, A. (2018). On the state-of-the-art of particle methods for coastal and ocean engineering. Coastal Eng. J. 60(1): 79-103. [LINK]
- Ikari, H. and Gotoh, H. (2018). Numerical modeling of density currents using an Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method. Computers and Fluids. 167(15): 372–383. [LINK]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Falahaty, H. and Shimizu, Y. (2018). Towards development of enhanced fully-Lagrangian mesh-free computational methods for fluid-structure interaction. J. Hydrodynamics. 30(1): 49–61. [LINK]
- Harada, E., Ikari, H., Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2018). Numerical Investigation of the Morphological Dynamics of a Step-and-Pool Riverbed Using DEM-MPS. J. Hydraul. Eng. 144(1): 04017058-1-10. [LINK]
- Falahaty, H., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2018). Enhanced particle method with stress point integration for simulation of incompressible fluid-nonlinear elastic structure interaction. J. Fluids and Structures. 81: 325–360. [LINK]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Falahaty, H., Shimizu, Y. and Nishijima, Y. (2017). Towards development of a reliable fully-Lagrangian MPS-based FSI solver for simulation of 2D hydroelastic slamming. Ocean Systems Eng. - An International Journal. 7(3): 299-318. [LINK]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. and Shimizu, Y. (2017). Comparative study on accuracy and conservation properties of two particle regularization schemes and proposal of an optimized particle shifting scheme in ISPH context. J. Compt. Phys. 332(1): 236-256. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Shimizu, Y. and Gotoh, K. (2017). On enhancement of energy conservation properties of projection-based particle methods. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids. 66: 20-37. [Link]
- Shimizu, Y. and Gotoh, H. (2016). Toward Enhancement of MPS Method for Ocean Engineering: Effect of Time-Integration Schemes. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. 26(4): 378–384.
- Hwang, S. C., Park, J. C., Gotoh, H., Khayyer, A. and Kang, K. J. (2016). Numerical simulations of sloshing flows with elastic baffles by using a particle-based fluid-structure interaction analysis method. Ocean Engineering. 118: 227–241. [Link]
- Gotoh, H. and Khayyer, A. (2016). Current achievements and future perspectives for projection-based particle methods with applications in ocean engineering. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy. 2(3): 251-278. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2016). A Multiphase Compressible-Incompressible Particle Method for Water Slamming. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. 26(1): 20-25. [Link]
- Ikari, H. and Gotoh, H. (2016). SPH-based simulation of granular collapse on an inclined bed. Mechanics Research Communications. 73: 12–18. [Link]
- Harada, E., Gotoh, H. & Rahman, N. B. A. (2015). A switching action model for DEM-based multi-agent crowded behavior simulator. Safety Science. 79: 105–115. [Link]
- Harada, E., Gotoh, H. & Tsuruta, N. (2015). Vertical sorting process under oscillatory sheet flow condition by resolved discrete particle model. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 53(3): 332-350. [Link]
- Tsuruta, N., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2015). Space potential particles to enhance the stability of projection-based particle methods. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics. 29(1): 100-119. [Link]
- Ikari, H., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2015). Corrected higher order Laplacian for enhancement of pressure calculation by projection-based particle methods with applications in ocean engineering. J. Ocean Eng. Mar. Energy. 1(4): 361-376. [Link]
- Hwang, S.C., Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., and Park, J.C. (2014). Development of a fully Lagrangian MPS-based coupled method for simulation of fluid–structure interaction problems. J. Fluids and Structures. 50: 497-511. [Link]
- Gotoh, H., Khayyer, A., Ikari, H., Arikawa, T. & Shimosako, K. (2014). On enhancement of Incompressible SPH method for simulation of violent sloshing flows. Applied Ocean Res. 46: 104–115. [Link]
- Liang, D., Gotoh, H., Scott, N., & Tang, H. (2013). Experimental Study of Local Scour around Twin Piles in Oscillatory Flow. J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng. 139(5): 404–412. [Link]
- Tsuruta, N., Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2013). A Short Note on Dynamic Stabilization of Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method. Computers & Fluids. 82: 158–164. [Link]
- Liang, D., Gotoh, H., Khayyer, A. & Chen, J. M. (2013). Boussinesq modelling of solitary wave and N-wave runup on coast. Applied Ocean Res. 42: 144–154. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2013). Enhancement of performance and stability of MPS mesh-free particle method for multiphase flows characterized by high density ratios. Journal of Computational Physics. 242: 211–233.[Link]
- Harada, E., Tsuruta, N. & Gotoh, H. (2013). Two-phase flow LES of the sedimentation process of a particle cloud. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 51(2): 1-9. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2012). A 3D higher order Laplacian model for enhancement and stabilization of pressure calculation in 3D MPS-based simulations. Applied Ocean Res. 37: 120-126. [Link]
- Gotoh, H., Harada, E. & Andoh, E. (2012). Simulation of pedestrian contra-flow by multi-agent DEM model with self-evasive action model. Safety Science. 50(2): 326-332. [Link]
- Hajivalie, F., Yeganeh, A., Houshanghi, H. & Gotoh, H. (2012). Euler-Lagrange model for scour in front of vertical breakwater. Applied Ocean Res. 34: 96-106. [Link]
- Harada, E., Gotoh, H. & Tsuruta, N. (2011). Numerical Simulation for Sedimentation Process of Blocks on a Sea Bed by High-Resolution Multi-Phase Model. Coastal Eng. Jour. 53(4): 343-364. [Link]
- Hori, C., Gotoh, H., Ikari, H. & Khayyer, A. (2011). GPU-acceleration for Moving Particle Semi-Implicit Method. Computers and Fluids. 51(1): 174-183. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2011). Enhancement of stability and accuracy of the moving particle semi-implicit method. Journal of Computational Physics. 230(8): 3093-3118. [Link]
- Oka, F., Kimoto, S., Takeda, N., Gotoh, H. & Higo, Y. (2010). A seepage-deformation coupled analysis of an unsaturated river embankment using a multiphase elasto-viscoplastic theory. Soils and Foundations. 50(4): 483-494. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2010). Discussion on “Numerical simulation of impact loads using a particle method” [Ocean Engineering, 37(2–3): 164–173]. Ocean Engineering. 37(16): 1477-1479. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2010). On particle-based simulation of a dam break over a wet bed. Jour. Hydraulic Res., IAHR. 48(2): 238-249. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2010). A Higher Order Laplacian Model for Enhancement and Stabilization of Pressure Calculation by the MPS Method. Applied Ocean Res. 32: 124-131. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2009). Wave Impact Pressure Calculations by Improved SPH Methods. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. 19(4): 300-307. [Link]
- Gotoh, H. (2009). Lagrangian Particle Method as Advanced Technology for Numerical Wave Flume. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. 19(3): 161-167. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. & Shao, S. (2009). Enhanced predictions of wave impact pressure by improved Incompressible SPH methods. Applied Ocean Res. 31: 111-131. [Link]
- Yeganeh, A., Shabani, B., Gotoh, H. & Wang, S. S. Y. (2009). A Three-Dimensional Distinct Element Model for Bed-Load Transport. Jour. Hydraulic Res., IAHR. 47(2): 203-212. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2009). Modified Moving Particle Semi-implicit methods for the prediction of 2D wave impact pressure.Coastal Eng. 56: 419-440. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2008). Development of CMPS Method for Accurate Wave-Surface Tracking in Breaking Waves. Coastal Eng. Jour. 50(2): 179-207. [Link]
- Harada, E. & Gotoh, H. (2008). Computational Mechanics of Vertical Sorting of Sediment in Sheet Flow Regime by 3D Granular Material Model. Coastal Eng. Jour. 50(1): 1-27. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. & Shao, S. (2008). Corrected Incompressible SPH method for accurate water-surface tracking in breaking waves. Coastal Eng. 55: 236-250. [Link]
- Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T. (2006). Key Issues in the Particle Method for Computation of Wave Breaking. Coastal Eng. 53(2-3): 171-179. [Link]
- Shao, S. & Gotoh, H. (2005). Turbulence Particle Models for Tracking Free Surfaces. Jour. Hydraulic Res., IAHR. 43(3): 276-289. [Link]
- Shao, S. & Gotoh, H. (2004). Simulating Coupled Motion of Progressive Wave and Floating Curtain Wall by SPH-LES Model. Coastal Eng. Jour. 46(2): 171-202. [Link]
- Gotoh, H., Shao, S. & Memita, T.(2004). SPH-LES Model for Numerical Investigation of Wave Interaction with Partially Immersed Breakwater. Coastal Eng. Jour. 46(1): 39-63. [Link]
- Yeganeh, A., Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T. (2000). Applicability of Euler-Lagrange coupling multiphase-flow model to bed-load transport under a high bottom shear. Jour. Hydraulic Res., IAHR. 38(5): 389-398. [Link]
- Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T. (1997). Numerical Simulation of Sheetflow as Granular Material. Jour. of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engrg., ASCE. 123(6): 329-336. [Link]
Particle Method
Key papers
- Gotoh, T., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2024). Enhanced schemes for resolution of the continuity equation in projection-based SPH. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 166: 105848. [Link]
- Harada, E., Tazaki, T. and Gotoh, H. (2024). Investigation of turbulent flow induced by particle sedimentation using RIM-PIV, J. Hydro-environment Res. 54: 13-25. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. Shimizu, Y. and Gotoh, T. (2023). An improved Riemann SPH-Hamiltonian SPH coupled solver for hydroelastic fluid–structure interactions. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 158: 332-355.[Link]
- Khayyer, A., Shimizu, Y., Lee, C. H., Gil, A., Gotoh, H. and Bonet, J. (2023). An improved Updated Lagrangian SPH method for structural modelling. Comput. Particle Mech. 11:1055-1086.[Link]
- Tsuruta, N., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2023). Development of Advective Dynamic Stabilization scheme for ISPH simulations of free- surface fluid flows. Computers & Fluids. 266:106048.[Link]
- Khayyer, A., Shimizu, Y., Gotoh, T. and Gotoh, H. (2023). Enhanced resolution of the continuity equation in explicit weakly compressible SPH simulations of incompressible free-surface fluid flows. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 116: 84-121. [Link]
- Shimizu, Y., Gotoh, H., Khayyer, A. and Kita, K. (2022). Fundamental Investigation on the Applicability of a Higher-Order Consistent ISPH Method. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. 32(3): 275-284. [Link]
- Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2022). An implicit SPH-based structure model for accurate Fluid–Structure Interaction simulations with hourglass control scheme. European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids. 96: 122-145. [Link]
- Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2022). An SPH-based fully-Lagrangian meshfree implicit FSI solver with high-order discretization terms. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 137:160-181. [Link]
- Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2022). An enhanced incompressible SPH method for simulation of fluid flow interactions with saturated/unsaturated porous media of variable porosity. Ocean Systems Engineering. 12(1): 63-86.[Link]
- Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2022). An implicit SPH-based structure model for accurate Fluid–Structure Interaction simulations with implicit hourglass control scheme. European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids. 96: 122-145.[Link]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. and Shimizu, Y. (2022). On systematic development of FSI solvers in the context of particle methods. Journal of Hydrodynamics. 34: 395-407.[Link]
- Tsurudome, C., Liang, D., Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2021). Study of beach permeability’s influence on solitary wave runup with ISPH method. Applied Ocean Research. 117: Article 102957.[Link]
- Harada, E., Ikari, H., Tazaki, T. and Gotoh, H. (2021). Numerical simulation for coastal morphodynamics using DEM-MPS method. Applied Ocean Research. 117: Article 102905. [Link]
- Gotoh, H., Khayyer, A. and Shimizu, Y. (2021). Entirely Lagrangian Meshfree Computational Methods for Hydroelastic Fluid-Structure Interactions in Ocean Engineering – Reliability, Adaptivity and Generality. Applied Ocean Research. 115: Article 102822. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Shimizu, Y. and Nishijima, Y. (2021). A 3D Lagrangian meshfree projection-based solver for hydroelastic Fluid-Structure Interactions. Jour. Fluid and Structures. 105: Article 103342. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Shimizu, Y., Gotoh, H. and Hattori, S. (2021). Multi-resolution ISPH-SPH for accurate and efficient simulation of hydroelastic fluid-structure interactions in ocean engineering. Ocean Engineering. 226: Article 108652. [Link]
- You, Y., Khayyer, A., Zheng, X., Gotoh, H. and Ma, Q. (2021). Enhancement of δ-SPH for ocean engineering applications through incorporation of a background mesh scheme. Applied Ocean Research. 110: Article 102508. [Link]
- Tsuruta, N., Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. and Suzuki, K. (2021). Development of Wavy Interface model for numerical wave flumes corresponding to particle methods. Coastal Engineering. 165: Article 103861. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Shimizu, Y., Gotoh, H. and Nagashima, K. (2021). A coupled Incompressible SPH–Hamiltonian SPH solver for hydroelastic FSI corresponding to composite structures. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 94: 242-271. [Link]
- Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. and Nagashima, K. (2020). An enhanced multiphase ISPH-based method for accurate modeling of oil spill. Coastal Engineering Journal. 62(4): 625–646. [Link]
- Ikari, H., Yamano, T. and Gotoh, H. (2020). Multiphase particle method usingan elastoplastic solid phase model for the diffusion of dumped sandfrom a split hopper. Computers & Fluids. 208: 104639. [Link]
- Wang, L., Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Jiang, Q. and Zhang, C. (2019). Enhancement of pressure calculation in projection-based particle methods by incorporation of background mesh scheme. Applied Ocean Res. 86: 320-339. [Link]
- Harada, E., Ikari, H., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2019). Numerical simulation for swash morphodynamics by DEM–MPS coupling model. Coastal Engineering Journal. 61(1): 2-14. [Link]
- Tsuruta, N., Gotoh, H., Suzuki, K., Ikari, H. and Shimosako, K. (2019). Development of PARISPHERE as the particle-based numerical wave flume for coastal engineering problems. Coastal Engineering Journal. 61(1): 41-62. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Tsuruta, N., Shimizu, Y. and Gotoh, H. (2019). Multi-resolution MPS for incompressible fluid-elastic structure interactions in ocean engineering. Applied Ocean Res. 82: 397-414. [LINK]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. and Shimizu, Y. (2019). A projection-based particle method with optimized particle shifting for multiphase flows with large density ratios and discontinuous density fields. Computers & Fluids. 179: 356-371. [LINK]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Falahaty, H. and Shimizu, Y. (2018). An Enhanced ISPH-SPH Coupled Method for Simulation of Incompressible Fluid-Elastic Structure Interactions. Comput. Phys. Commun. 232: 139-164. [LINK]
- Shimizu, Y., Gotoh, H. and Khayyer, A. (2018). An MPS-based particle method for simulation of multiphase flows characterized by high density ratios by incorporation of space potential particle concept. Comput. Math. Appl. 76(5): 1108-1129. [LINK]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Shimizu, Y., Gotoh, K., Falahaty, H. and Shao, S. (2018). Development of a projection-based SPH method for numerical wave flume with porous media of variable porosity. Coastal Eng. 140: 1-22. [LINK]
- Gotoh, H. and Khayyer, A. (2018). On the state-of-the-art of particle methods for coastal and ocean engineering. Coastal Eng. J. 60(1): 79-103. [LINK]
- Ikari, H. and Gotoh, H. (2018). Numerical modeling of density currents using an Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method. Computers and Fluids. 167(15):372–383. [LINK]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Falahaty, H. and Shimizu, Y. (2018). Towards development of enhanced fully-Lagrangian mesh-free computational methods for fluid-structure interaction. J. Hydrodynamics. 30(1): 49–61. [LINK]
- Falahaty, H., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2018). Enhanced particle method with stress point integration for simulation of incompressible fluid-nonlinear elastic structure interaction. J. Fluids and Structures. 81: 325–360. [LINK]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Falahaty, H., Shimizu, Y. and Nishijima, Y. (2017). Towards development of a reliable fully-Lagrangian MPS-based FSI solver for simulation of 2D hydroelastic slamming. Ocean Systems Eng. - An International Journal. 7(3): 299-318. [LINK]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. and Shimizu, Y. (2017). Comparative study on accuracy and conservation properties of two particle regularization schemes and proposal of an optimized particle shifting scheme in ISPH context. J. Compt. Phys. 332(1): 236-256. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Shimizu, Y. and Gotoh, K. (2017). On enhancement of energy conservation properties of projection-based particle methods. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids. 66: 20-37. [Link]
- Hwang, S. C., Park, J. C., Gotoh, H., Khayyer, A. and Kang, K. J. (2016). Numerical simulations of sloshing flows with elastic baffles by using a particle-based fluid-structure interaction analysis method. Ocean Engineering. 118: 227–241. [Link]
- Gotoh, H. and Khayyer, A. (2016). Current achievements and future perspectives for projection-based particle methods with applications in ocean engineering. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy. 2(3): 251-278. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2016). A Multiphase Compressible-Incompressible Particle Method for Water Slamming. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. 26(1): 20-25. [Link]
- Ikari, H. and Gotoh, H. (2016). SPH-based simulation of granular collapse on an inclined bed. Mechanics Research Communications. 73: 12–18. [Link]
- Tsuruta, N., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2015). Space potential particles to enhance the stability of projection-based particle methods. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics. 29(1)100-119. [Link]
- Ikari, H., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2015). Corrected higher order Laplacian for enhancement of pressure calculation by projection-based particle methods with applications in ocean engineering. J. Ocean Eng. Mar. Energy. 1(4): 361-376. [Link]
- Hwang, S.C., Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. and Park, J.C. (2014). Development of a fully Lagrangian MPS-based coupled method for simulation of fluid–structure interaction problems. J. Fluids and Structures. 50: 497-511.[Link]
- Gotoh, H., Khayyer, A., Ikari, H., Arikawa, T. & Shimosako, K. (2014). On enhancement of Incompressible SPH method for simulation of violent sloshing flows. Applied Ocean Res. 46: 104–115. [Link]
- Tsuruta, N., Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2013). A Short Note on Dynamic Stabilization of Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method. Computers & Fluids. 82: 158–164. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2013). Enhancement of performance and stability of MPS mesh-free particle method for multiphase flows characterized by high density ratios. Journal of Computational Physics. 242: 211–233. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2012). A 3D higher order Laplacian model for enhancement and stabilization of pressure calculation in 3D MPS-based simulations. Applied Ocean Res. 37: 120-126. [Link]
- Hori, C., Gotoh, H., Ikari, H. & Khayyer, A. (2011). GPU-acceleration for Moving Particle Semi-Implicit Method. Computers and Fluids. 51(1): 174-183. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2011). Enhancement of stability and accuracy of the moving particle semi-implicit method. Journal of Computational Physics. 230(8): 3093-3118. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2010). Discussion on “Numerical simulation of impact loads using a particle method” [Ocean Engineering, 37(2–3): 164–173]. Ocean Engineering. 37(16): 1477-1479. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2010). On particle-based simulation of a dam break over a wet bed. Jour. Hydraulic Res., IAHR. 48(2): 238-249. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2010). A Higher Order Laplacian Model for Enhancement and Stabilization of Pressure Calculation by the MPS Method. Applied Ocean Res. 32: 124-131. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2009). Wave Impact Pressure Calculations by Improved SPH Methods. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. 19(4): 300-307. [Link]
- Gotoh, H. (2009). Lagrangian Particle Method as Advanced Technology for Numerical Wave Flume. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. 19(3): 161-167. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. & Shao, S. (2009). Enhanced predictions of wave impact pressure by improved Incompressible SPH methods. Applied Ocean Res. 31: 111-131. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2009). Modified Moving Particle Semi-implicit methods for the prediction of 2D wave impact pressure. Coastal Eng. 56: 419-440. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2008). Development of CMPS Method for Accurate Wave-Surface Tracking in Breaking Waves. Coastal Eng. Jour. 50(2): 179-207. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. & Shao, S. (2008). Corrected Incompressible SPH method for accurate water-surface tracking in breaking waves. Coastal Eng. 55: 236-250. [Link]
- Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T. (2006). Key Issues in the Particle Method for Computation of Wave Breaking. Coastal Eng. 53(2-3): 171-179. [Link]
- Gotoh, H., Ikari, H., Memita, T. & Sakai, T. (2005). Lagrangian Particle Method for Simulation of Wave Overtopping on a Vertical Seawall. Coastal Eng. Jour. 47(2-3): 157-181.
- Gotoh, H., Shibahara, T. & Sakai, T. (2001). Sub-Particle-Scale Turbulence Model for the MPS Method - Lagrangian Flow Model for Hydraulic Engineering -. Computational Fluid Dynamics Jour. 9(4): 339-347.
- Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T. (1999). Lagrangian simulation of breaking waves using particle method. Coastal Eng. Jour. 41(3-4): 303-326.
On this subject, 4 refereed papers are written in Japanese.
Single phase flow
- Tsurudome, C., Liang, D., Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2021). Study of beach permeability’s influence on solitary wave runup with ISPH method. Applied Ocean Research. 117: Article 102957.[Link]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Shimizu, Y. (2016). Development of a SPH-Based Method for Coastal Engineering-Related Heat Diffusion Problems. J. JSCE, Ser.B2, Coastal Engineering. 72 (2): I_1213-I_1218.
- Shimizu, Y. and Gotoh, H. (2016). Toward Enhancement of MPS Method for Ocean Engineering: Effect of Time-Integration Schemes. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. 26(4): 378–384.
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2010). Discussion on “Numerical simulation of impact loads using a particle method” [Ocean Engineering, Volume 37, Issues 2–3, February 2010, Pages 164–173]. Ocean Engineering. 37(16): 1477-1479. [Link]
- Oka, F., Kimoto, S., Takeda, N., Gotoh, H. & Higo, Y. (2010). A seepage-deformation coupled analysis of an unsaturated river embankment using a multiphase elasto-viscoplastic theory. Soils and Foundations. 50(4): 483-494. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2008). Particle-Based Vs. Grid-Based Simulation of Plunging Breaking Waves: A Basic Study. Jour. Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engrg., JSCE. 26(1): 1-9.
- Gotoh, H., Ikari, H., Sakai, T. & Tanioka H. (2007). Computational Dynamics of Stream in Underground Staircase by Three-Dimensional Particle Method. Jour. Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engrg., JSCE. 25(2): 13-22.
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2007). Applicability of MPS Method to Breaking and Post-Breaking of Solitary Waves. Annual Jour. of Hydraulic Eng., JSCE. 51: 175-180.
- Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T. (2006). Key Issues in the Particle Method for Computation of Wave Breaking. Coastal Eng. 53(2-3): 171-179. [Link]
- Gotoh, H., Ikari, H., Memita, T. & Sakai, T. (2005). Lagrangian Particle Method for Simulation of Wave Overtopping on a Vertical Seawall. Coastal Eng. Jour. 47(2-3): 157-181.
- Shao, S. & Gotoh, H. (2003). Pressure Analysis of Dam-Break and Wave-Breaking by SPH Model. Annual Jour. of Hydraulic Eng., JSCE. 47: 403-408.
- Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T. (1999). Lagrangian simulation of breaking waves using particle method. Coastal Eng. Jour. 41(3-4): 303-326.
On this subject, 23 refereed papers are written in Japanese.
Multi phase flow, rigid body & Elastic solid
- Harada, E., Tazaki, T. and Gotoh, H. (2024). Investigation of turbulent flow induced by particle sedimentation using RIM-PIV, J. Hydro-environment Res. 54: 13-25. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Shimizu, Y., Lee, C. H., Gil, A., Gotoh, H. and Bonet, J. (2023). An improved Updated Lagrangian SPH method for structural modelling. Comput. Particle Mech. 11:1055-1086.[Link]
- Tazaki, T., Harada, E. and Gotoh, H. (2022). Numerical investigation of sediment transport mechanism under breaking waves by DEM-MPS coupling scheme. Coastal Engineering.175: Article 104146.[Link]
- Harada, E., Ikari, H., Tazaki, T. and Gotoh, H. (2021). Numerical simulation for coastal morphodynamics using DEM-MPS method. Applied Ocean Research. 117: Article 102905. [Link]
- Gotoh, H., Khayyer, A. and Shimizu, Y. (2021). Entirely Lagrangian Meshfree Computational Methods for Hydroelastic Fluid-Structure Interactions in Ocean Engineering – Reliability, Adaptivity and Generality. Applied Ocean Research. 115: Article 102822. [Link]
- Ikari, H., Yamano, T. and Gotoh, H. (2020). Multiphase particle method usingan elastoplastic solid phase model for the diffusion of dumped sandfrom a split hopper. Computers & Fluids. 208: 104639. [Link]
- Harada, E., Ikari, H., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2019). Numerical simulation for swash morphodynamics by DEM–MPS coupling model. Coastal Engineering Journal. 61(1): 2-14. [Link]
- Tsuruta, N., Gotoh, H., Suzuki,K., Ikari, H. and Shimosako, K. (2019). Development of PARISPHERE as the particle-based numerical wave flume for coastal engineering problems. Coastal Engineering Journal. 61(1): 41-62. [Link]
- Shimizu, Y., Gotoh, H. and Khayyer, A. (2018). An MPS-based particle method for simulation of multiphase flows characterized by high density ratios by incorporation of space potential particle concept. Comput. Math. Appl. 76(5): 1108-1129. [LINK]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Shimizu, Y., Gotoh, K., Falahaty, H. and Shao, S. (2018). Development of a projection-based SPH method for numerical wave flume with porous media of variable porosity. Coastal Eng. 140: 1-22. [LINK]
- Ikari, H. and Gotoh, H. (2018). Numerical modeling of density currents using an Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method. Computers and Fluids. 167(15):372–383. [LINK]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Falahaty, H. and Shimizu, Y. (2018). Towards development of enhanced fully-Lagrangian mesh-free computational methods for fluid-structure interaction. J. Hydrodynamics. 30(1): 49–61. [LINK]
- Falahaty, H., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2018). Enhanced particle method with stress point integration for simulation of incompressible fluid-nonlinear elastic structure interaction. J. Fluids and Structures. 81: 325–360. [LINK]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Shimizu, Y., Falahaty, H. and Ikari, H. (2017). Development of a Fully Lagrangian SPH-based Computational Method for Incompressible Fluid-Elastic Structure Interactions. J. JSCE, Ser.B2, Coastal Engineering. 73(2): I_1039-I_1044. [LINK]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Shimizu, Y., Gotoh, K. and Shao, S. (2017). An Enhanced Particle Method for Simulation of Fluid Flow Interactions with Saturated Porous Media. J. JSCE, Ser.B2, Coastal Engineering. 73(2): I_841-I_846. [LINK]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Falahaty, H., Shimizu, Y. and Nishijima, Y. (2017). Towards development of a reliable fully-Lagrangian MPS-based FSI solver for simulation of 2D hydroelastic slamming. Ocean Systems Eng. - An International Journal. 7(3), 299-318. [LINK]
- Hwang, S. C., Park, J. C., Gotoh, H., Khayyer, A. and Kang, K. J. (2016). Numerical simulations of sloshing flows with elastic baffles by using a particle-based fluid-structure interaction analysis method. Ocean Engineering. 118: 227–241. [Link]
- Ikari, H. and Gotoh, H. (2016). SPH-based simulation of granular collapse on an inclined bed. Mechanics Research Communications. 73: 12–18. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Falahaty, H., Gotoh, H. and Koga, T. (2016). An Enhanced Coupled Lagrangian Solver forIncompressible Fluid and Non-linear Elastic Structure Interactions. J. JSCE, Ser.B2, Coastal Engineering. 72: 1117-1122.
- Gotoh, H., Sakai, T. & Hayashi,M. (2002). Lagrangian Model of Drift-Timbers Induced Flood by using Moving Particle Semi-Implicit Method. Jour. Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engrg., JSCE. 20(1): 95-102.
On this subject, 35 refereed papers are written in Japanese.
Accurate particle methods (CMPS/CISPH)
- Gotoh, T., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2024). Enhanced schemes for resolution of the continuity equation in projection-based SPH. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 166: 105848.[Link]
- Harada, E., Tazaki, T. and Gotoh, H. (2024). Investigation of turbulent flow induced by particle sedimentation using RIM-PIV, J. Hydro-environment Res. 54: 13-25. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. Shimizu, Y. and Gotoh, T. (2023). An improved Riemann SPH-Hamiltonian SPH coupled solver for hydroelastic fluid–structure interactions. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 158: 332-355[Link]
- Tsuruta, N., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2023). Development of Advective Dynamic Stabilization scheme for ISPH simulations of free- surface fluid flows. Computers & Fluids. 266:106048.[Link]
- Khayyer, A., Shimizu, Y., Gotoh, T. and Gotoh, H. (2023). Enhanced resolution of the continuity equation in explicit weakly compressible SPH simulations of incompressible free-surface fluid flows. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 116: 84-121. [Link]
- Shimizu, Y., Gotoh, H., Khayyer, A. and Kita, K. (2022). Fundamental Investigation on the Applicability of a Higher-Order Consistent ISPH Method. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. 32(3): 275-284. [Link]
- Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2022). An implicit SPH-based structure model for accurate Fluid–Structure Interaction simulations with hourglass control scheme. European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids. 96: 122-145. [Link]
- Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2022). An SPH-based fully-Lagrangian meshfree implicit FSI solver with high-order discretization terms, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 137:160-181. [Link]
- Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2022). An enhanced incompressible SPH method for simulation of fluid flow interactions with saturated/unsaturated porous media of variable porosity. Ocean Systems Engineering. 12(1): 63-86.[Link]
- Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2022). An implicit SPH-based structure model for accurate Fluid–Structure Interaction simulations with implicit hourglass control scheme. European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids. 96: 122-145.[Link]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. and Shimizu, Y. (2022). On systematic development of FSI solvers in the context of particle methods. Journal of Hydrodynamics. 34: 395-407.[Link]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Shimizu, Y. and Nishijima, Y. (2021). A 3D Lagrangian meshfree projection-based solver for hydroelastic Fluid-Structure Interactions. Jour. Fluid and Structures. 105: Article 103342. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Shimizu, Y., Gotoh, H. and Hattori, S. (2021). Multi-resolution ISPH-SPH for accurate and efficient simulation of hydroelastic fluid-structure interactions in ocean engineering. Ocean Engineering. 226: Article 108652. [Link]
- You, Y., Khayyer, A., Zheng, X., Gotoh, H. and Ma, Q. (2021). Enhancement of δ-SPH for ocean engineering applications through incorporation of a background mesh scheme. Applied Ocean Research. 110: Article 102508. [Link]
- Tsuruta, N., Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. and Suzuki, K. (2021). Development of Wavy Interface model for numerical wave flumes corresponding to particle methods. Coastal Engineering. 165: Article 103861. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Shimizu, Y., Gotoh, H. and Nagashima, K. (2021). A coupled Incompressible SPH–Hamiltonian SPH solver for hydroelastic FSI corresponding to composite structures. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 94: 242-271. [Link]
- Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. and Nagashima, K. (2020). An enhanced multiphase ISPH-based method for accurate modeling of oil spill. Coastal Engineering Journal. 62(4): 625–646. [Link]
- Wang, L., Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Jiang, Q. and Zhang, C. (2019). Enhancement of pressure calculation in projection-based particle methods by incorporation of background mesh scheme. Applied Ocean Res. 86: 320-339. [Link]
- Tsuruta, N., Gotoh, H., Suzuki,K., Ikari, H. and Shimosako, K. (2019). Development of PARISPHERE as the particle-based numerical wave flume for coastal engineering problems. Coastal Engineering Journal. 61(1): 41-62. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Tsuruta, N., Shimizu, Y. and Gotoh, H. (2019). Multi-resolution MPS for incompressible fluid-elastic structure interactions in ocean engineering. Applied Ocean Res. 82: 397-414. [LINK]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. and Shimizu, Y. (2019). A projection-based particle method with optimized particle shifting for multiphase flows with large density ratios and discontinuous density fields. Computers & Fluids. 179: 356-371. [LINK]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Falahaty, H. and Shimizu, Y. (2018). An Enhanced ISPH-SPH Coupled Method for Simulation of Incompressible Fluid-Elastic Structure Interactions. Comput. Phys. Commun. 232: 139-164. [LINK]
- Gotoh, H. and Khayyer, A. (2018). On the state-of-the-art of particle methods for coastal and ocean engineering. Coastal Eng. J. 60(1): 79-103. [LINK]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. and Shimizu, Y. (2017). Comparative study on accuracy and conservation properties of two particle regularization schemes and proposal of an optimized particle shifting scheme in ISPH context. J. Compt. Phys. 332(1): 236-256. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Shimizu, Y. and Gotoh, K. (2017). On enhancement of energy conservation properties of projection-based particle methods. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids. 66: 20-37. [Link]
- Gotoh, H. and Khayyer, A. (2016). Current achievements and future perspectives for projection-based particle methods with applications in ocean engineering. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy. 2(3): 251-278. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2016). A Multiphase Compressible-Incompressible Particle Method for Water Slamming. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. 26(1): 20-25. [Link]
- Tsuruta, N., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2015). Space potential particles to enhance the stability of projection-based particle methods. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics. 29(1): 100-119. [Link]
- Ikari, H., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2015). Corrected higher order Laplacian for enhancement of pressure calculation by projection-based particle methods with applications in ocean engineering. J. Ocean Eng. Mar. Energy. 1(4): 361-376. [Link]
- Hwang, S.C., Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. and Park, J.C. (2014). Development of a fully Lagrangian MPS-based coupled method for simulation of fluid–structure interaction problems. J. Fluids and Structures. 50: 497-511.[Link]
- Gotoh, H., Khayyer, A., Ikari, H., Arikawa, T. & Shimosako, K. (2014). On enhancement of Incompressible SPH method for simulation of violent sloshing flows. Applied Ocean Res. 46: 104–115. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. and Tsuruta, N. (2014). A New Surface Tension Model for Particle Methods with Enhanced Splash Computation. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering). 70(2): I_26-I_30. [Link]
- Tsuruta, N., Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2013). A Short Note on Dynamic Stabilization of Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method. Computers & Fluids. 82: 158–164. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2013). Enhancement of performance and stability of MPS mesh-free particle method for multiphase flows characterized by high density ratios. Journal of Computational Physics. 242: 211–233. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2012). A 3D higher order Laplacian model for enhancement and stabilization of pressure calculation in 3D MPS-based simulations. Applied Ocean Res. 37: 120-126. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2011). Enhancement of stability and accuracy of the moving particle semi-implicit method. Journal of Computational Physics. 230(8): 3093-3118. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2010). On particle-based simulation of a dam break over a wet bed. Jour. Hydraulic Res., IAHR. 48(2): 238-249. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2010). A Higher Order Laplacian Model for Enhancement and Stabilization of Pressure Calculation by the MPS Method. Applied Ocean Res. 32: 124-131. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2009). Wave Impact Pressure Calculations by Improved SPH Methods. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. 19(4): 300-307. [Link]
- Gotoh, H. (2009). Lagrangian Particle Method as Advanced Technology for Numerical Wave Flume. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. 19(3): 161-167. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. & Shao, S. (2009). Enhanced predictions of wave impact pressure by improved Incompressible SPH methods. Applied Ocean Res. 31: 111-131. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2009). Modified Moving Particle Semi-implicit methods for the prediction of 2D wave impact pressure. Coastal Eng. 56: 419-440. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2008). Development of CMPS Method for Accurate Wave-Surface Tracking in Breaking Waves. Coastal Eng. Jour. 50(2): 179-207. [Link]
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. & Shao, S. (2008). Corrected Incompressible SPH method for accurate water-surface tracking in breaking waves. Coastal Eng. 55: 236-250. [Link]
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H. (2008). Refined Simulation of Solitary Plunging Breaker by CMPS Method. Annual Jour. of Hydraulic Eng., JSCE. 52: 121-126.
On this subject, 7 refereed papers are written in Japanese.
Turbulence model
- Shao, S. & Gotoh, H. (2005). Turbulence Particle Models for Tracking Free Surfaces. Jour. Hydraulic Res., IAHR. 43(3): 276-289. [Link]
- Shao, S. & Gotoh, H. (2004). Simulating Coupled Motion of Progressive Wave and Floating Curtain Wall by SPH-LES Model. Coastal Eng. Jour. 46(2): 171-202. [Link]
- Gotoh, H., Shao, S. & Memita, T. (2004). SPH-LES Model for Numerical Investigation of Wave Interaction with Partially Immersed Breakwater. Coastal Eng. Jour. 46(1): 39-63. [Link]
- Gotoh, H., Shao, S. & Memita, T. (2003). SPH-LES Model for Wave Dissipation using a Curtain Wall, Annual Jour. of Hydraulic Eng., JSCE. 47: 397-402.
- Gotoh, H., Shibahara, T. & Sakai, T. (2001). Sub-Particle-Scale Turbulence Model for the MPS Method - Lagrangian Flow Model for Hydraulic Engineering -. Computational Fluid Dynamics Jour. 9(4): 339-347.
On this subject, 4 refereed papers are written in Japanese.
3D & parallel computing
- Hori, C., Gotoh, H., Ikari, H. & Khayyer, A. (2011). GPU-acceleration for Moving Particle Semi-Implicit Method. Computers and Fluids. 51(1): 174-183. [Link]
On this subject, 8 refereed papers are written in Japanese.
Computational Mechanics of Sediment Transport
Key papers
- Tazaki, T., Harada, E., Gotoh, H. (2023). Grain-scale investigation of swash zone sediment transport on a gravel beach using DEM-MPS coupled scheme. Coastal Engineering Journal. 65(2): 347-368. [Link]
- Ikari, H., Gotoh, H. (2023). Fully implicit discrete element method for granular column collapse. Comp. Part. Mech. 10: 261–271.[Link]
- Tazaki, T., Harada, E. and Gotoh, H. (2022). Numerical investigation of sediment transport mechanism under breaking waves by DEM-MPS coupling scheme. Coastal Engineering. 175: Article 104146.[Link]
- Harada, E., Ikari, H., Tazaki, T. and Gotoh, H. (2021). Numerical simulation for coastal morphodynamics using DEM-MPS method. Applied Ocean Research. 117: Article 102905. [Link]
- Tazaki, T., Harada, E. and Gotoh, H. (2021). Vertical sorting process in oscillating water tank using DEM-MPS coupling model. Coastal Engineering. 165: Article 103765. [Link]
- Harada, E., Tazaki, T. and Gotoh, H. (2020). Numerical investigation of ripple in oscillating water tank by DEM-MPS coupled solid-liquid two-phase flow model. Journal of Hydro-environment Research. 32: 26–47. [Link]
- Harada, E., Ikari, H., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2019). Numerical simulation for swash morphodynamics by DEM–MPS coupling model. Coastal Engineering Journal. 61(1): 2-14. [Link]
- Harada, E., Gotoh, H., Ikari, H., Khayyer, A. (2019). Numerical simulation for sediment transport using MPS-DEM coupling model. Adv. Water Res. 129: 354-364. [Link]
- Harada, E., Ikari, H., Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2018). Numerical Investigation of the Morphological Dynamics of a Step-and-Pool Riverbed Using DEM-MPS. J. Hydraul. Eng. 144(1): 04017058-1-10. [LINK]
- Harada, E., Gotoh, H. & Tsuruta, N. (2015). Vertical sorting process under oscillatory sheet flow condition by resolved discrete particle model. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 53(3): 332-350. [Link]
- Harada, E., Tsuruta, N. & Gotoh, H. (2013). Two-phase flow LES of the sedimentation process of a particle cloud. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 51(2): 1-9. [Link]
- Hajivalie, F., Yeganeh, A., Houshanghi, H. & Gotoh, H. (2012). Euler-Lagrange model for scour in front of vertical breakwater. Applied Ocean Res. 34: 96-106. [Link]
- Harada, E., Gotoh, H. & Tsuruta, N. (2011). Numerical Simulation for Sedimentation Process of Blocks on a Sea Bed by High-Resolution Multi-Phase Model. Coastal Eng. Jour. 53(4): 343-364. [Link]
- Yeganeh, A., Shabani, B., Gotoh, H. & Wang, S. S. Y. (2009). A Three-Dimensional Distinct Element Model for Bed-Load Transport. Jour. Hydraulic Res., IAHR. 47(2): 203-212. [Link]
- Harada, E. & Gotoh, H. (2008). Computational Mechanics of Vertical Sorting of Sediment in Sheet Flow Regime by 3D Granular Material Model. Coastal Eng. Jour. 50(1): 1-27. [Link]
- Yeganeh, A., Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T. (2000). Applicability of Euler-Lagrange coupling multiphase-flow model to bed-load transport under a high bottom shear. Jour. Hydraulic Res., IAHR. 38(5): 389-398. [Link]
- Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T. (1997). Numerical Simulation of Sheetflow as Granular Material. Jour. of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engrg., ASCE. 123(6): 329-336. [Link]
- Gotoh, H., Tsujimoto, T. & Nakagawa, H. (1995). Refined PSI-cell model for interphase and interparticle momentum transfer in bed-load layer. Jour. Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engrg., JSCE. 13(1): 13-24.
On this subject, 7 refereed papers are written in Japanese.
Single particle tracking
- Gotoh, H., Tsujimoto, T. & Nakagawa, H. (1995). Formula of sediment discharge in oscillation-current coexisting flow. Jour. Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engrg., JSCE. 13(1): 25-34.
- Gotoh, H., Tsujimoto, T. & Nakagawa, H. (1993). Numerical simulation of bed-load transport in unsteady uniform flow. Jour. Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engrg., JSCE. 11(1): 31-40.
- Gotoh, H., Tsujimoto, T. & Nakagawa, H. (1993). Dislodgment process of sediment particle on bed at an unsteady flow. Jour. Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engrg., JSCE. 11(1): 21-30.
- Nakagawa, H., Murakami, S. & Gotoh, H. (1992). Structure of flow and dispersion process of suspended particle over two-dimensional dunes. Jour. Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engrg., JSCE. 9(2): 17-26.
- Nakagawa, H., Tsujimoto, T., Murakami, S. & Gotoh, H. (1990). Transition mechanism from saltation to suspension in bed-material-load transport. Jour. Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engrg., JSCE. 8(1): 41-54.
On this subject, 17 refereed papers are written in Japanese.
Multi phase flow model
- Tazaki, T., Harada, E., Gotoh, H.(2023). Grain-scale investigation of swash zone sediment transport on a gravel beach using DEM-MPS coupled scheme. Coastal Engineering Journal. 65(2): 347-368. [Link]
- Tazaki, T., Harada, E. and Gotoh, H. (2022). Numerical investigation of sediment transport mechanism under breaking waves by DEM-MPS coupling scheme. Coastal Engineering. 175: Article 104146.[Link]
- Harada, E., Ikari, H., Tazaki, T. and Gotoh, H. (2021). Numerical simulation for coastal morphodynamics using DEM-MPS method. Applied Ocean Research. 117: Article 102905. [Link]
- Tazaki, T., Harada, E. and Gotoh, H. (2021). Vertical sorting process in oscillating water tank using DEM-MPS coupling model. Coastal Engineering. 165: Article 103765. [Link]
- Harada, E., Tazaki, T. and Gotoh, H. (2020). Numerical investigation of ripple in oscillating water tank by DEM-MPS coupled solid-liquid two-phase flow model. Journal of Hydro-environment Research. 32: 26–47. [Link]
- Harada, E., Ikari, H., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2019). Numerical simulation for swash morphodynamics by DEM–MPS coupling model. Coastal Engineering Journal. 61(1): 2-14. [Link]
- Harada, E., Gotoh, H., Ikari, H., Khayyer, A. (2019). Numerical simulation for sediment transport using MPS-DEM coupling model. Adv. Water Res. 129: 354-364. [Link]
- Harada, E., Ikari, H., Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2018). Numerical Investigation of the Morphological Dynamics of a Step-and-Pool Riverbed Using DEM-MPS. J. Hydraul. Eng. 144(1): 04017058-1-10. [LINK]
- Harada, E., Gotoh, H. & Tsuruta, N. (2015). Vertical sorting process under oscillatory sheet flow condition by resolved discrete particle model. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 53(3): 332-350. [Link]
- Harada, E., Tsuruta, N. & Gotoh, H. (2013). Two-phase flow LES of the sedimentation process of a particle cloud. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 51(2): 1-9. [Link]
- Harada, E., Gotoh, H. & Tsuruta, N. (2011). Numerical Simulation for Sedimentation Process of Blocks on a Sea Bed by High-Resolution Multi-Phase Model. Coastal Eng. Jour. 53(4): 343-364. [Link]
- Yeganeh, A., Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T. (2000). Applicability of Euler-Lagrange coupling multiphase-flow model to bed-load transport under a high bottom shear. Jour. Hydraulic Res., IAHR. 38(5): 389-398. [Link]
- Gotoh, H., Tsujimoto, T. & Nakagawa, H. (1995). Refined PSI-cell model for interphase and interparticle momentum transfer in bed-load layer. Jour. Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engrg., JSCE. 13(1): 13-24.
On this subject, 21 refereed papers are written in Japanese.
Granular material model
- Tazaki, T., Harada, E., Gotoh, H.(2023). Grain-scale investigation of swash zone sediment transport on a gravel beach using DEM-MPS coupled scheme. Coastal Engineering Journal. 65(2): 347-368. [Link]
- Ikari, H., Gotoh, H. (2023). Fully implicit discrete element method for granular column collapse. Comp. Part. Mech. 10: 261–271.[Link]
- Harada, E., Ikari, H., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H. (2019). Numerical simulation for swash morphodynamics by DEM–MPS coupling model. Coastal Engineering Journal. 61(1): 2-14. [Link]
- Harada, E., Tsuruta, N. & Gotoh, H. (2013). Two-phase flow LES of the sedimentation process of a particle cloud. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 51(2): 1-9. [Link]
- Hajivalie, F., Yeganeh, A., Houshanghi, H. & Gotoh, H. (2012). Euler-Lagrange model for scour in front of vertical breakwater. Applied Ocean Res. 34: 96-106. [Link]
- Yeganeh, A., Shabani, B., Gotoh, H. & Wang, S. S. Y. (2009). A Three-Dimensional Distinct Element Model for Bed-Load Transport. Jour. Hydraulic Res., IAHR. 47(2): 203-212. [Link]
- Harada, E. & Gotoh, H. (2008). Computational Mechanics of Vertical Sorting of Sediment in Sheetflow Regime by 3D Granular Material Model. Coastal Eng. Jour. 50(1): 1-27. [Link]
- Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T. (1997). Numerical Simulation of Sheetflow as Granular Material. Jour. of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engrg., ASCE. 123(6): 329-336. [Link]
- Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T. (2000). Behavior of bed-material particles as a granular material in a bed-load transport process. Jour. Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engrg., JSCE. 18(1): 141-151.
- Yeganeh, A., Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T. (2000). Numerical study of particle diameter effect on oscillatory sheet flow transport with movable bed simulator. Annual Jour. of Hydraulic Eng., JSCE. 44: 653-658.
- Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T. (1998). Accelerating Process of Surface-Sheared-Sand Layer. Jour. Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engrg., JSCE. 16(1): 109-115.
- Gotoh, H., Tsujimoto, T. & Nakagawa, H. (1996). Discrete probabilistic model of bed-load layer as granular assembles. Jour. Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engrg., JSCE. 14(1): 13-23.
On this subject, 38 refereed papers are written in Japanese.
Rigid body model
On this subject, 10 refereed papers are written in Japanese.
Crowd Behavior Model
Key papers
- Harada, E., Gotoh, H. & Rahman, N. B. A. (2015). A switching action model for DEM-based multi-agent crowded behavior simulator. Safety Science. 79: 105–115. [Link]
- Gotoh, H., Harada, E. & Andoh, E. (2012). Simulation of pedestrian contra-flow by multi-agent DEM model with self-evasive action model. Safety Science. 50(2): 326-332. [Link]
On this subject, 7 refereed papers are written in Japanese.
Evacuation from Tsunami
- Harada, E., Gotoh, H. & Rahman, N. B. A. (2015). A switching action model for DEM-based multi-agent crowded behavior simulator. Safety Science. 79: 105–115. [Link]
On this subject, 5 refereed papers are written in Japanese.
- Gotoh, H., Harada, E. & Andoh, E. (2012). Simulation of pedestrian contra-flow by multi-agent DEM model with self-evasive action model. Safety Science. 50(2): 326-332. [Link]
On this subject, 7 refereed papers are written in Japanese.
Other Subjects in Coastal Engineering
- Gotoh, H., Harada, E. & Andoh, E. (2012). Simulation of pedestrian contra-flow by multi-agent DEM model with self-evasive action model. Safety Science. 50(2): 326-332. [Link]
On this subject, 18 refereed papers are written in Japanese.
- H. Gotoh, A. Okayasu and Y. Watanabe: Computational Wave Dynamics, World Scientific Publishing Co., 234pp, 2013.
- Hitoshi Gotoh: Computational Mechanics of Sediment Transport, Morikita Shuppan Co., Ltd., 223pp, 2004 (in Japanese).
Three coauthoring books related to coastal sediment transport,
technologies for disaster prevention and frontier technologies for river engineering were written by Hitoshi Gotoh
(in Japanese).
Interpretive Articles
As for an Interpretive Articles, 4 articles on Particle Method,
6 articles on Computational Mechanics of Sediment Transport, 1 articles on Crowd Behavior Model are written
in Japanese.
Invited Lectures
- Goth, H.:Accurate particle method for computational sediment dynamics, Keynote Lecture, The 3rd symposium on two‐phase modelling for sediment dynamics in geophysical flows THESIS), 2016.9.
- Goth, H.:Improved Particle Methods for Violent Free-Surface Flow Computation, Keynote Lecture, 3rd International Conference on Violent Flows VF-2016,2016.3.
- Goth, H.:Numerical Wave Flume for Simulating Flows with Violent Free-Surface Motion, The 11th International Workshop on Coastal Disaster Prevention, 2013.4.
- Gotoh, H.: Lagrangian Particle Method - Advanced Technology for Numerical Wave Flume, Invited Lecture on Plenary Session of Hydrodynamics, ISOPE-2009, Osaka, Japan, 2009.
- Gotoh, H.: Simulation of Wave Overtopping on Stepped Seawall with Drainage by the MPS Method, Violent Flows-2007, Fukuoka, Japan, 2007.
- Gotoh, H.: Contribution of the Particle Method in Hydro-Science and Engineering,RIAM(Research Institute of Applied Mechanics) Workshop '04 Floating Body Dynamics in Waves, Kyushu University, 2005
In domestic conferences and symposiums, 14 invited lectures were provided by Hitoshi Gotoh.
Refereed Conference Papers
Particle Method
- Shimizu, Y., Khayyer, A., and Gotoh, H.: Development of Enhanced ISPH method for accurate and consistentcomputational modeling of fluid flow interactions with saturated/unsaturated porous media of spatially variableporosity, 14th International SPHERIC Workshop, Exeter, United Kingdom, pp. 219-226, June 25–27, 2019.
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Shimizu, Y., and Nishijima, N.: Development of 3D fully Lagrangian meshfree solvers forhydroelastic fluid-structure interactions, 14th International SPHERIC Workshop, Exeter, United Kingdom, pp. 1-8,June 25–27, 2019.
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Falahaty, H., Shimizu, Y., Key Aspects for Development of Reliable and Efficient Fully-Lagrangian Computational Methods for Hydroelastic Fluid-Structure Interactions, 8th International Conference The8th International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Seoul, Korea, 2018.
- Falahaty, H., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H.: A coupled incompressible SPH-Hamiltonian SPH for fluidstructureinteractions, Proc. ISOPE-2018,Sapporo, Japan, 581-588, 2018.
- Shimizu, Y., Tsuruta, N., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H.: On development of accurate multi-phaseparticle methods with SPS turbulence modeling for ocean engineering applications, Proc.ISOPE-2018, Sapporo, Japan, 532-538, 2018.
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Shimizu, Y., Tsuruta, N. and Sasagawa, H.: Development of consistent,conservative and accurate multi-resolution projection-based particle methods for hydroelastic fluidstructureinteractions, 13th International SPHERIC Workshop, Galway, Ireland, pp. 110-117, June 26-28, 2018.
- Tsuruta, N., Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H.: Enhancement of accuracy of stabilizer for projection-basedparticle method, 13th International SPHERIC Workshop, Galway, Ireland, pp. 9-15, June 26-28, 2018.
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Shimizu, Y. and Teng, K.W.P.: Two novel projection-based particlemethods for multiphase flows with large density ratios and discontinuous density fields, 12thinternational SPHERIC workshop, Ourense, Spain, pp. 159-166, June 2017.
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Shimizu, Y. and Falahaty, H.: An enhanced ISPH-SPH coupled method for incompressiblefluid-elastic structure interactions, the Proceedings of the 2017 SPHERIC Beijing International Workshop, Beijing,China, pp. 23-29, October 17-20, 2017.
- Hwang, S.C., Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. and Park, J.C.: Simulations of Incompressible Fluid FlowElastic StructureInteractions by a Coupled Fully Lagrangian Solver, Proc. ISOPE-2015, Kona, Hawaii, USA, ISOPE-I-15-398,2015.
- Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H.: A Multi-Phase Compressible-Incompressible Particle Method for WaterSlamming, Proc. ISOPE-2015, Kona, Hawaii, USA, ISOPE-I-15-397, 2015.
- Gotoh, H., Khayyer, A. and Shimizu, Y.: Improvement of Energy Conservation in Particle Methodswith Enhanced Schemes, Proc. ISOPE-2015, Kona, Hawaii, USA, ISOPE-I-15-396, 2015.
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Shimizu, Y. and Gotoh, K.: On Enhancement of Energy ConservationProperties of ISPH and MPS Methods, 10th international SPHERIC workshop, Parma, Italy, pp. 139-146, June2015.
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. and Tsuruta N.: A Novel Laplacian-Based Surface Tension Model forParticle Methods, 9th international SPHERIC workshop, Paris, France, pp. 64-71, June 2014.
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Ikari, H. and Tsuruta, N.: A Novel Error-Minimizing Scheme to Enhancethe Performance of Compressible-Incompressible Multiphase Projection-Based Particle Methods, 8thinternational SPHERIC workshop, Trondheim, Norway, pp. 68-73, June 2013.
- Tsuruta, N., Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Ikari, H.: A Simple and Effective Scheme for DynamicStabilization of Particle Methods, 8th international SPHERIC workshop, Trondheim, Norway, pp. 55-61, June2013.
- Yoshifuji, N., Gotoh, H. and Ikari, H.: Numerical Analysis on Deformation of Wave Dissipating Blocks by GPU-Accelerated DEM Computation, Proc. International Session in Conf. of Coast Eng., Vol.3, JSCE, pp. 16-20, 2012.
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. & Ikari, H.: Development of a Novel 3D Higher Order Laplacian Model for Enhanced Prediction of Wave Impact Pressure Calculation in 3D MPS-Based Simulations, Proc. International Session in Conf. of Coast Eng., Vol.3, JSCE, pp. 11-15, 2012.
- Gotoh, H., Khayyer, A., Ikari, H. & Tsuruta, N.: An Improved 3D Particle Method for Violent Wave Impact Calculations, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Violent Flows, Nantes France, pp.188-193, 2012.
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Ikari, H. & Tsuruta, N.: An Enhanced Particle Method for Simulation of Violent Multiphase Flows, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Violent Flows, Nantes France, pp.51-57, 2012.
- Gotoh, H. & Khayyer, A.: An Improved Consistent 3D Particle Method for Enhanced Wave Impact Calculations, Proc. the 7th International SPHERIC Workshop, Prato, Italy, pp.375-380, 2012.
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H.: A Consistent Particle Method for Simulation of Multiphase Flows with High Density Ratios, Proc. the 7th International SPHERIC Workshop, Prato, Italy, pp.340-346, 2012.
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. & Ikari, H.: Refined Simulations of Violent Sloshing Flows by an Enhanced Particle Method, Proc. International Session in Conf. of Coast Eng., Vol.2, JSCE, pp. 6-10, 2011.
- Khayyer, A. & Gotoh, H.: Refined Wave Impact Pressure Calculations by An Enhanced Particle Method, Proc. Coastal Structures 2011, Yokohama, on CD-ROM, 2011.
- Ikari, H., Gotoh, H., & Khayyer, A.: Numerical simulation on moored floating body in wave by improved MPS method, Proc. Coastal Structures 2011, Yokohama, on CD-ROM, 2011.
- Hori, C., Gotoh, H., Khayyer, A. & Ikari, H.: Simulation of flip-through wave impact by cmps method with sps-turbulence model, Proc. Coastal Structures 2011, Yokohama, on CD-ROM, 2011.
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., Ikari, H. and Hori, C.: Development of 3D Parallelized CMPS-HS with a Dynamic Domain Decomposition Approach, Proc. International Session in Conf. on Coast Eng., Vol.1, JSCE, pp. 6-10, 2010.
- Gotoh, H., Ikari, H. and Yoshifuji, N.: 3D Numerical Wave Flume with Interactive Pre-and Post-Processors, Proc. International Session in Conf. on Coast Eng., Vol.1, JSCE, pp. 71-75, 2010.
- Ikari, H., Gotoh, H., Tonomo, K. and Mizoe, A.: Numerical Simulation of Drifting Container on Apron due to Tsunami by 3D MPS Method, Proc. APAC, 2009, Singapore, paper on CD-ROM, 2009.
- Gotoh, H., Ikari, H., Khayyer, A. and Hori, C.: 3D-CMPS Method for Enhanced Simulation of a Plunging Breaker and Resultant Splash-up, Proc. APAC, 2009, Singapore, paper on CD-ROM, 2009.
- Gotoh, H., Khayyer, A., Ikari, H. and Hori, C.: 3D-CMPS method for improvement of water-surface tracking in breaking waves, Proc. Coastal Dynamics, Tokyo, Japan, Paper No. 5 pp.1-11, 2009.
- Ikari, H. and Gotoh, H.: Interaction model of moored buoy and breaking wave based on Lagrangian particle method, Proc. Coastal Dynamics, Tokyo, Japan, Paper No. 17 pp.1-10, 2009.
- Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H.: Improved MPS methods for wave impact calculations, Proc. Coastal Dynamics, Tokyo, Japan, Paper No. 4 pp.1-14, 2009.
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., and Shao, S.: An Improved Incompressible SPH Method for Wave Impact Simulations, Proc. 4th SPHERIC Workshop, Nantes, France, pp.286-293, 2009.
- Gotoh, H., Khayyer, A. and Ikari, H.: Simulation of SPHERIC Benchmark Test 2, “3D schematic dam break and evolution of the free surface”, by an improved parallelized particle method and SPHYSICS, Proc. 4th SPHERIC Workshop, Nantes, France, pp.265-272, 2009.
- Gotoh, H., Khayyer, A., Ikari, H. and Hori, C.: Refined Reproduction of a Plunging Breaking Wave and Resultant Splash-up by 3D-CMPS Method, Proc. ISOPE-2009, Osaka, Japan, pp. 518-524, 2009.
- Ikari, H. and Gotoh, H.: Lagrangian Particle Method for Tracking of Buoy Moored by Chain, Proc. ISOPE-2009, Osaka, Japan, pp. 371-375, 2009.
- Gotoh, H., Ikari, H. & Yasuoka, T.: Simulation of Armor Blocks in front of Caisson Breakwater by DEM-MPS Hybrid Model, Proc. ISOPE-2009, Osaka, Japan, pp. 365-370, 2009.
- Khayyer, A. and Gotoh, H.: Wave Impact Calculations by Improved SPH Methods, Proc. ISOPE-2009, Osaka, Japan, pp. 340-347, 2009.
- Gotoh, H.: Lagrangian Particle Method - Advanced Technology for Numerical Wave Flume, Invited Lecture on Plenary Session of Hydrodynamics, Proc. ISOPE-2009, Osaka, Japan, pp. 333-339, 2009.
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H., and Shao, S.: Corrected SPH for Incompressible fluid for accurate water-surface tracking in plunging breaker, Proc. ICCE, Hamburg, Germany, pp. pp.132-143, 2008.
- Gotoh, H., Ikari, H., Yasuoka, T., Muramoto, S. and Takahashi, K.: Particle method for simulating wave overtopping on stepped seawall with drainage, Proc. ICCE, Hamburg, Germany, pp.3071-3083, 2008.
- Ikari, H. and Gotoh, H.: Parallelization of MPS Method for 3-D Wave Analysis, Advances in Hydro-Science and -Engineering, Vol. IV - Proc. 8th ICHE, Nagoya Japan, paper on CD-ROM, 2008.
- Gotoh, H. & Khayyer, A.: Improved MPS Methods for Refined Simulation of Free-Surface Hydrodynamic Flows, Advances in Hydro-Science and -Engineering, Vol. IV - Proc. 8th ICHE, Nagoya Japan, paper on CD-ROM, 2008.
- Khayyer, A., Gotoh, H. & S. Shao: Corrected Incompressible SPH for Accurate Water-Surface -Tracking in Plunging Breaking Waves, Proc. APCOM’07 in conjunction with EPMESC XI, Kyoto, Japan, on CD, 2007.
- Gotoh, H. & Ikari, H.: Numerical Analysis on Girder Bridge Washed Away by Tsunami Run-up, Proc. Violent Flows-2007, Fukuoka, Japan, pp.159-164, 2007.
- Gotoh, H., Khayyer, A. & S. Shao: Corrected Incompressible SPH Model for the Simulation of Wave Breaking and Post-Breaking, Proc. Violent Flows-2007, Fukuoka, Japan, pp.47-53, 2007.
- Gotoh, H., Ikari, H., Muramoto, S. & Yasuoka, T.:Simulation of Wave Overtopping on Stepped Seawall with Drainage by the MPS Method, Proc. Violent Flows-2007, Fukuoka, Japan, pp.11-16, 2007.
- Ikari, H., Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T.: Simulation of Wave Run-up by Liquid-Gas Two-Phase-Flow MPS Method, Proc. APAC2005, on CD, 2005.
- Gotoh, H., Ikari, H. & Sakai, T.: Simulation of Plunging Breaker by 3D MPS Method, Proc. APAC2005, on CD, 2005.
- Sakai, T., Gotoh, H., & Ikari, H.: Wave-Breaking Graphics by MPS Method with Sub-Particle-Scale Texture Model, Proc. Waves2005, Madrid, Spain, paper on CD-ROM, 2005.
- Ikari, H., Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T.: Liquid-Gas Two-Phase-Flow MPS Method for Simulation of Wave Overtopping, Proc. Waves2005, Madrid, Spain, paper on CD-ROM, 2005.
- Gotoh, H., Ikari, H. & Sakai, T.: Development of Numerical Wave Flume by 3D MPS Method, Proc. Waves2005, Madrid, Spain, paper on CD-ROM, 2005.
- Gotoh, H., Ikari, H. & Sakai, T. : Numerical Simulation of Stream over Staircase by 3D Particle Method, Proc MPMD-2005, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 185-190, 2005.
- Ikari, H., Gotoh, H., Hashinoto, M. & Sakai, T. : Refined Surface Tension Model for Lagrangian Simulation of Wave Breaking, Proc. ICCE, Lisboa, Portugal, pp.331-343, 2004.
- Gotoh, H., Hayashi, M. & Sakai, T.: Lagrangian Multiphase Flow Model for Debris-Flow-Induced Tsunami, Proc. ICCE, Lisboa, Portugal, pp.1121-1133, 2004.
- Gotoh, H., Sumi, T. & Sakai, T.: Preprocessor for Human Interface of Numerical Wave Flume, Advances in Hydro-Science and -Engineering, Vol. VI - Proc. 6th ICHE, Brisbane, Australia, paper on CD-ROM, 2004.
- Gotoh, H., Ikari, H. & Sakai, T.: Simulation of Falling Water by Lagrangian Particle Method, Advances in Hydro-Science and -Engineering, Vol. VI - Proc. 6th ICHE, Brisbane, Australia, paper on CD-ROM, 2004.
- Gotoh, H., Hashinoto, M., Ikari, H. & Sakai, T.: Development of Particle System as Postprocessor of Lagrangian Particle Method, Advances in Hydro-Science and -Engineering, Vol. VI - Proc. 6th ICHE, Brisbane, Australia, paper on CD-ROM, 2004.
- Gotoh, H., Hayashi, M. & Sakai, T.: Refined Solid-Phase Model in Lagrangian Particle Method for Solid-Liquid Two-Phase-Flow, Advances in Hydro-Science and -Engineering, Vol. VI - Proc. 6th ICHE, Brisbane, Australia, paper on CD-ROM, 2004.
- Shao, S., Gotoh, H. & Memita, T.: Simulation of Wave Overtopping on Partially Immersed Breakwater by SPH Model, Proc. APAC, 2003, Makuhari-Japan, paper on CD-ROM, 2003.
- M. Hayashi, Gotoh, H., Sakai, T. & Ikari, H.: Lagrangian Gridless Model of Toe Scouring of Seawall due to Tsumani Return Flow, Proc. APAC, 2003, Makuhari-Japan, paper on CD-ROM, 2003.
- Gotoh, H., M. Hayashi, Sakai, T. & Oda, K.: Numerical Model of Wave Breaking by Lagrangian Particle Method with Sub-Particle-Scale Turbulence Model, Proc. APAC, 2003, Makuhari-Japan, paper on CD-ROM, 2003.
- Gotoh, H., M. Hayashi & T. Sakai: Simulation of Tsunami-Induced Flood in Hinterland of Seawall by Using Particle Method, Proc. ICCE, Cardiff, UK, pp.1155-1167, 2002.
- Gotoh, H., Sakai, T., & M. Hayashi: Lagrangian Gridless Model for Structure-Fow-Floats Triangular Interaction, Proc. 13th IAHR-APD Cong., Singapore, Vol. 1, pp. 327-332, 2002.
- Gotoh, H., Sakai, T. & M. Hayashi & Andoh, S.:Lagrangian Solid-Liquid Two-Phase Fow Model for Wave-Seabed Interaction, Proc. 13th IAHR-APD Cong., Singapore, Vol. 2, pp. 765-770, 2002.
- Gotoh, H., Sakai, T. & M. Hayashi: Lagrangian Two-Phase Flow Model for the Wave Generation Process due to Large-Scale Landslides, Proc. APCE 2001, Dalian, China, pp. 176-185, 2001.
- Gotoh, H. & Fredsoe, J.: Lagrangian Two-Phase Flow Model of the Settling Behavior of Fine Sediment Dumped into Water, Proc. ICCE, Sydny, Australia, pp.3906-3919, 2000.
- Hayashi, M., Gotoh, H., Memita, T. & Sakai, T.: Gridless Numerical Analysis of Wave Breaking and Overtopping at Upright Seawall, Proc. ICCE, Sydny, Australia, pp.2100-2113, 2000.
On this subject, 2 refereed papers are written in Japanese.
Computational Mechanics of Sediment Transport
- Harada, E., Gotoh, H. & Tsuruta, N.: Large eddy simulation for settling block using Euler-Lagrange coupling approach, Proc. Coastal Structures 2011, Yokohama, on CD-ROM, 2011.
- Harada, E. and Gotoh, H.: Highly Precise Simulation of Sedimentation Process of Rubble Mound by Multi-Phase Flow Model with LES, Proc. APAC, 2009, Singapore, paper on CD-ROM, 2009.
- Harada, E., Gotoh, H. and Tsuruta, N.: A sediment process of a group of blocks by DNS, Proc. Coastal Dynamics, Tokyo, Japan, Paper No. 92 pp.1-11, 2009.
- Harada, E. and Gotoh, H.: Numerical simulation for vertical sorting of granular particles in sheetflow by two-phase turbulent flow model, Proc. Coastal Dynamics, Tokyo, Japan, Paper No. 90 pp.1-10, 2009.
- Harada, E. and Gotoh, H.: Large eddy simulation of particle-laden flow by using solid/liquid two-phase flow model, Proc. ISOPE-2009, Osaka, Japan, pp. 453-457, 2009.
- Sakai, T., Harada, E. and Gotoh, H.: 3D Lagrangian simulation of compaction process of wave dissipating blocks due to high waves, Proc. ICCE, Hamburg, Germany, pp.3412-3422, 2008.
- Hajivalie, F., Yeganeh, A. and Gotoh, H.: Two-Phase Flow Simulation on Local Scouring in front of a Vertical Breakwater under Tidal Currents, Advances in Hydro-Science and -Engineering, Vol. IV - Proc. 8th ICHE, Nagoya Japan, paper on CD-ROM, 2008.
- Harada, E. and Gotoh, H.: A Compaction Process of Wave Dissipating Blocks due to High Waves Simulated by 3D Lagrangian Model, Advances in Hydro-Science and -Engineering, Vol. IV - Proc. 8th ICHE, Nagoya Japan, paper on CD-ROM, 2008.
- Harada, E., Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T.:3D Lagrangian Simulation of Compaction Process of Wave-Dissipating Blocks due to High Waves, Proc. Violent Flows-2007, Fukuoka, Japan, pp.221-226, 2007.
- Harada, E., Hosoda, T. & Gotoh, H.: Numerical Simulation of the Covering a House by a Debris Fow, Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Fluival Hydraulics, Portugal Lisbon, pp.1401-1406 on CD-ROM, (ISBN 0-415-40815-6), 2006.
- Harada, E. & Gotoh, H.: Influence of Sand Shape to Vertical Sorting under Uniform Fow Condition, Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Fluival Hydraulics, Portugal Lisbon, pp.853-858 on CD-ROM, (ISBN 0-415-40815-6), 2006.
- Harada, E., Hosoda, T. & Gotoh, H.: Examination of Landside Mechanism due to Liquefaction, ISFCD2005, Kyoto, Japan, on CD, 2005.
- Harada, E. & Gotoh, H.: Numerical Simulation for Collapse Process of House due to Iandslide, ISFCD2005, Kyoto, Japan, on CD, 2005
- Harada, E., Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T.: Particle-System Simulation of Pipelines Floatation due to Seabed Liquefaction, Proc. APAC2005, on CD, 2005.
- Harada, E., Gotoh H. & Sakai, T.: Simulation of Formation Process of Debris Fan by 3D Granular Material Model, Advances in Hydro-Science and -Engineering, Vol. VI - Proc. 6th ICHE, Brisbane, Australia, paper on CD-ROM, 2004.
- Harada, E., Hosoda, T. & Gotoh H.: Numerical Simulation for Destruction Process of Rubble Stones Dam, River Flow 2004, Napol,Italy, pp. 877-884, 2004.
- Harada, E., Hosoda, T., Gotoh H. & Obayashi K.: Numerical Simulation of Local Scouring Process by Solid-Liquid Two-Phase Flow Model, ISEH&IAHR-APD, Hong Kong, pp. 1851-1857, 2004.
- Harada, E., Gotoh, H., Sakai, T. & Ohno, M.: Numerical Simulation of Deformation Process of Wave-Dissipating Blocks by 3D-DEM, Proc. APAC, 2003, Makuhari-Japan, paper on CD-ROM, 2003.
- Sakai, T., Gotoh, H., Harada, E. & Imoto, Y.: Subsidence of Rubble Stones due to Wave-Induced Seabed Liquefaction, Proc. APAC, 2003, Makuhari-Japan, paper on CD-ROM, 2003.
- Sakai T., Gotoh, H., Harada E. & A. Yeganeh-Bakhtiary: Unsteadiness of Armoring in Oscillatory Sheetflow of Graded-Sediment, Proc. ICCE, Cardiff, UK, pp.2968-2980, 2002.
- Harada, E., Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T.: Block/Block Interaction Model for Predicting Catastrophic Destruction of Armor Blocks, Proc. 13th IAHR-APD Cong., Singapore, Vol. 2, pp. 789-794, 2002.
- Sakai, T., Gotoh, H., Harada, E., Takahashi, T. & Y. Hama: Unsteady Armoring in Graded-Sediment Sheetflow under Oscillatory Flow, Proc. APCE 2001, Dalian, China, pp. 766-775, 2001.
- Yeganeh-Bakthiary, A., Harada, E., Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T.: Reverse Grading Process of Sheet-Fow Sediment Transport with Granular Material Model, 2nd IAHR Symp. on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Obihiro, Japan, pp.131-140, 2001.
- Harada, E., Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T.: Granular-Material-Model Combined Two-Phase Fow Simulation for Wind-Blown Sand Layer, 2nd IAHR Symp. on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Obihiro, Japan, pp.121-130, 2001.
- Gotoh, H., Harada, E. & Sakai, T.: Role of Interparticle Collision on Instability of Sand Bed, 2nd IAHR Symp. on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Obihiro, Japan, pp.111-120, 2001.
- Sakai, T., Gotoh, H., Oki, K. & Takahashi, T.: Vertical Grading of Mixed-Size Grains in Sheetflow Regime under Oscillatory Flow, Proc. ICCE, Sydny, Australia, pp.2766-2779, 2000.
- Yeganeh-Bakhtiary, A., Harada, E., Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T.: Aerodynamic Granular-Material Model of Wind-Blown Sand Layer, Proc. ICCE, Sydny, Australia, pp.2575-2588, 2000.
- Yeganeh, A., Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T.:Numerical Modelling of Sheet-Flow Transport under Wave and Current, Proc. of Inter. Conf. on Hydroscience and Engineering, Seoul, paper on CD-ROM, 2000.
- Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T.:Numerical Simulation of Granular Assembles Flowing on a Slope, Proc. XXVII th IAHR Conf., SanFrancisco, USA, Vol. 2, pp.1298-1303, 1997.
- Sakai, T. & Gotoh, H.: Effect of Wave-Induced-Pressure on Seabed Configulation, Proc. ICCE, Florida, USA, pp.3155-3168, 1996.
- Sakai, T. & Gotoh, H.: Numerical Simulation of Sediment Transport in Sheetflow Regime, Proc. IAHR Congress, London, UK, Vol. 3, pp. 299-304, 1995 .
- Gotoh, H., Tsujimoto, T. & Nakagawa, H.: Two-Phase-Flow Model of Open-Channel Flow with Saltating Particles, Proc. IAHR Congress, London, UK, Vol. 2, pp. 243-248, 1995 .
- Tsujimoto, T., Gotoh, H. & Nakagawa, H.: Open-Channel-Flow with Suspended Sediment Particles, Proc. IAHR Congress, London, UK, Vol. 2, pp. 232-237, 1995 .
- Tsujimoto, T., Gotoh, H. & Nakagawa, H.: Momentum Exchange between Fluid and Particles and Mutual Collisions among Particles in Saltation Layer , Proc. ICMF, Kyoto, Japan, pp.PT4- 33-40, 1995.
- Gotoh, H., Tsujimoto, T. & Nakagawa, H.: Numerical Simulation of Open-Channel Flow with Suspended Sediment as Solid/Liquid Two Phese Flow, Proc. ICMF, Kyoto, Japan, pp.EN- 3-10, 1995.
- Gotoh, H., Tsujimoto, T. & Nakagawa, H.: Dynamic Responce of Suspended Particles to Spectral Characteristics of Turbulence and Stochastic Simulation of Suspension, Proc. ICHE, Beijing, pp.2077-2084, 1995.
- Gotoh, H., Tsujimoto, T. & Nakagawa, H.: Sediment-Cloud Based Model of Suspension over Ripple Bed due to Wave Action, Proc. ICCE, Kobe, Japan, pp.2013-2027, 1994.
- Gotoh, H., Tsujimoto, T. & Nakagawa, H.: Modeling of Interphase Momentum Transfer and Interparticle Collision in Bed-Load Layer, Proc. APD-IAHR, Singapore, pp.565-572,1994.
- Gotoh, H., Tsujimoto, T. & Nakagawa, H.: Numerical Model of Granular Medium for the Dynamics of Bed-Load Layer, Proc. IAHR Congress, Tokyo, Japan, B-1-4, pp.33-40, 1993.
- Nakagawa, H., Tsujimoto, T. & Gotoh, H.:Numerical Simulation of Bed-Load Layer as Two-Phase Fow, Proc. Int. Conf. on Hydro-Science &-Engrg., Washington D.C., USA, pp.638-645, 1993.
- Nakagawa, H., Tsujimoto, T. & Gotoh, H.: Stochastic Simulation of Bed-Load Transport under Oscillation-Current Coexisting Fow, Proc. 6th Int. Sym. on Stochastic Hydraulics, Taipei, pp.197-204, 1992.
On this subject, 6 refereed papers are written in Japanese.
Crowd Behavior Model
- Abustan, S.M., Harada, E. & Gotoh, H.: Numerical Simulation for Evacuation Process against Tsunami Disaster at Teluk Batik in Malaysia by Multi-agent DEM Model, Proc. International Session in Conf. of Coast Eng., Vol.3, JSCE, pp. 56-60, 2012.
- Abustan, S.M., Harada, E. & Gotoh, H.: Numerical Simulation for Evacuation Process against Tsunami Disaster at Miami Beach in Penang, Malaysia, Proc. International Session in Conf. of Coast Eng., Vol.2, JSCE, pp. 31-35, 2011.
- Gotoh, H., Harada, E. and Ohniwa, K.: Contribution of the Evacuation Simulator for a Town Area Remodeling Plan for Protection against Disasters of Tsunami, Proc. APAC, 2009, Singapore, paper on CD-ROM, 2009.
- Gotoh, H., Harada, E. and Ohniwa, K.: Numerical simulation of coastal town planning against tsunami by DEM-base human behavior simulator, Proc. ISOPE-2009, Osaka, Japan, pp. 1248-1252, 2009.
- Gotoh, H., Harada, E., Maruyama, Y. and Takahashi, K.: Discrete Crowd Model for Simulation of Tsunami-Flood Refuge, Advances in Hydro-Science and -Engineering, Vol. IV - Proc. 8th ICHE, Nagoya Japan, paper on CD-ROM, 2008.
- Harada, E., Gotoh, H., Kubo, Y. & Sakai, T.: Particle-system Simulation of Crowd Behavior in Tsunami Flood Refuge, Proc MPMD-2005, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 329-334, 2005.
Other Subjects in Coastal Engineering
- Hur, Y. Harada, E., Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T.: Cave Formation Process in Artificial Sand Beach by 3D Movable Bed Simulator, Proc. APAC2005, on CD, 2005.
- Sakai, T., Gotoh, H. & Harada, E.: 3D Numerical Simulation of Cassion-Side Cave Formation in Artificial Sand Beach, Advances in Hydro-Science and -Engineering, Vol. VI - Proc. 6th ICHE, Brisbane, Australia, paper on CD-ROM, 2004.
- Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T.: Bivalve Habitat Based on Sediment-Transport Mechanics, Proc. ICCE, Florida, USA, pp.4300-4313, 1996.
- Gotoh, H. & Sakai, T.: Mechanics of Sediment Transport for Estimating Habitable Condition of Bivalves in Baech, Proc. Ecohydraulics 2000,Quebec City, Canada, Vol. A, 343-354, 1996.
- Sakai, T., Gotoh, H. & Yamamoto, T.: Block Subsidence under Pressure and Flow, Proc. ICCE, Kobe, Japan, pp.1541- 1552, 1994.
CEJ (Coastal Engineering Journal) Award of 2023, 2024
- Winner: Takumi Tazaki, Eiji Harada and Hitoshi Gotoh
- Subject: Grain-scale investigation of swash zone sediment transport on a gravel beach using DEM-MPS coupled scheme.
- Note: A paper that simulate the process of sediment transport in a surf zone in detail using the DEM-MPS method was judged to be the best paper published in Coastal Engineering Journal in the relevant year, and was awarded a prize.
CEJ (Coastal Engineering Journal) Citation Award of 2023, 2024
- Winner: Yuma Shimizu, Abbas Khayyer, Hitoshi Gotoh and Ken Nagashima
- Subject: An enhanced multiphase ISPH-based method for accurate modeling of oil spill.
- Note: This paper, which simulated the behaviour of oil spills on the sea surface using the ISPH method, was the most frequently cited paper published in CEJ in the past five years.
SPHERIC Zhuhai 2024 Best Paper Award
- Winner: Takafumi Gotoh, Abbas Khayyer, Daiki Sakoda, Chun Hean Lee, Antonio Gil, Hitoshi Gotoh and Javier Bonet
- Subject: A novel variationally consistent Total Lagrangian SPH for non-linear and finite strain elastic structural dynamics
- Note: The above paper on nonlinear finite strain analysis of elastic bodies using the TLSPH method was judged to be the best paper submitted to SPHERIC Zhuhai 2024 and won an award. The paper is the result of research conducted jointly with three European universities, University of Glasgow (UK), Swansea University (UK) and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain).
SPHERIC Xi’an 2022 Best Paper Award
- Winner: Abbas Khayyer, Hitoshi Gotoh and Yuma Shimizu
- Subject: Development of an accurate updated Lagrangian SPH structure model for simulation of laminated composite structures
- Note: The above paper on structural analysis using the ULSPH method was judged to be the best paper submitted to SPHERIC Xi'an 2022, and was awarded. On behalf of the authors, the first author, Abbas Khayyer, was presented with a certificate.
CEJ (Coastal Engineering Journal) Citation Award of 2019, 2020
- Winner: Hitoshi Gotoh and Abbas Khayyer
- Subject: On the state-of-the-art of particle methods for coastal and ocean engineering.
- Note: This paper, which reviewed the current state-of-the-art of particle method in coastal and ocean engineering, received the most citations of any paper published in CEJ in the past five years. The paper has been cited a total of 116 times as of 2020, making a significant contribution to improving the Impact Factor of CEJ, and it continues to be selected as a Web of Science Highly Cited Paper as of 2024.
CEJ (Coastal Engineering Journal) Award of 2011, 2012.
- Winner: Eiji Harada, Hitoshi Gotoh and Naoki Tsuruta
- Subject: Numerical Simulation for Sedimentation Process of Blocks on a Sea Bed by High-Resolution Multiphase Model
- Note: A sedimentation process of wave dissipating blocks was reproduced by LES with high-resolution solid-liquid two-phase flow model. This paper was selected as the best paper among papers published on the CEJ in 2011.
JAMSTEC Nakanishi Prize, 2012.
- Winner: Eiji Harada and Hitoshi Gotoh and Naoki Tsuruta
- Note: Winners worked on a new problem about unknown marine nature and achieved remarkable results on development of the ocean engineering and related technical issues.
CEJ (Coastal Engineering Journal) Award of 2008, 2009.
- Winner: Eiji Harada and Hitoshi Gotoh
- Subject: Computational Mechanics of Vertical Sorting of Sediment in Sheet Flow Regime by 3D Granular Material Model
- Note: A vertical grading mechanism of the sheet-flow sediment transport was clarified by an experimental visualization and a numerical simulation by the granular material model based on the distinct element method. This paper was selected as the best paper among papers published on the CEJ in 2008.
JAMSTEC Nakanishi Prize, 2009.
- Winner: Eiji Harada and Hitoshi Gotoh
- Note: Winners worked on a new problem about unknown marine nature and achieved remarkable results on development of the ocean engineering and related technical issues.
Best Paper Award of International Secessions in 52nd Annual Meeting of Hydraulic Engineering, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2008.
- Winner: Abbas Khayyer
- Subject: Refined Simulation of Solitary Plunging Breaker by CMPS Method
- Note: Analysis of plunging breaker by accurate MPS method (Co-author: Hitoshi Gotoh).
Incentive Prize in Journal of JSCE (Japan Society of Civil Engineers), 2007.
- Winner: Eiji Harada
- Subject: Numerical Simulation of Sediment Sorting in Sheetflow Regime by 3D Granular material Model
- Note: Computational mechanics of coastal sediment grading by Numerical Movable Bed (Co-author: Hitoshi Gotoh).
CEJ (Coastal Engineering Journal) Award of 2005, 2006.
- Winners: Hitoshi Gotoh, Hiroyuki Ikari, Tetsu Memita and Tetsuo Sakai
- Subject: Lagrangian Particle Method for Simulation of Wave Overtopping on a Vertical Seawall
- Note: Clarification of the superiority of particle methods in reproduction of wave overtopping discharge to conventional numerical models. This paper was selected as the best paper among papers published on the CEJ in 2004.
APAC Best Paper Award of 2003, 2004.
- Winners: Hitoshi Gotoh, Minoru Hayashi, Teteuo Sakai and Koji Oda
- Subject:Numerical Model of Wave Breaking by Lagrangian Particle Method with Sub-Particle-Scale Turbulence Model
- Note: Development of SPS turbulence model for a high-Reynolds number computation of particle methods and its application to a wave breaking.
Incentive Prize in Journal of JSCE (Japan Society of Civil Engineers), 1993.
- Winner: Hitoshi Gotoh
- Subject: Numerical Model of Unsteady Sediment Transport based on a Moving Mechanism of Sediment Particle
Incentive Prize in Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (Committee of Hydraulic Engineering JSCE), 1993.
- Winner: Hitoshi Gotoh
- Subject: Numerical Simulation of Bed-Load Layer: Modelling of Interaction among Saltating Particles