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Staffs in our laboratory provide lectures and exercises as follows:


Hitoshi Gotoh, Professor

   Lectures in Graduate School:

   Lectures in Undergraduate Course:

   Lectures in International Course of Civil Engineering:


Eiji Harada, Professor

   Lectures in Graduate School:

   Lectures in Undergraduate Course:

   Lectures in International Course of Civil Engineering:


Abbas Khayyer, Associate Professor

   Lectures in Graduate School:

   Lectures in Undergraduate Course:

   Lectures in International Course of Civil Engineering:


Hiroyuki Ikari, Associate Professor

   Lectures in Graduate School:

   Lectures in Undergraduate Course:

   Lectures in International Course of Civil Engineering:


Yuma Shimizu, Assistant Professor

   Lectures in Graduate School:

   Lectures in Undergraduate Course:

   Lectures in International Course of Civil Engineering:


Takumi Tazaki, Assistant Professor

   Lectures in Graduate School:

   Lectures in Undergraduate Course:

   Lectures in International Course of Civil Engineering:

In postgraduate education, our laboratories are responsible for five subjects: 'Sediment Hydraulics', 'Viscous Fluid Dynamics', ‘Multiphase Flows Dynamics’, ‘Computational Fluid Dynamics’ and ‘Free Surface Flow Dynamics’. In undergraduate education, the members in our team make a leading contribution to the management of four of the six hydraulic engineering courses (Hydraulics I and Exercises (second semester of second year), Hydraulics II (first semester of third year), Hydraulics Experiment (second semester of third year), Fundamentals of Hydrology (first semester of third year), River/Coastal Engineering (second semester of third year), and Water Resources Engineering (second semester of third year)), as course supervisors and course secretaries.


Staff in our laboratory published two textbooks as follows:

Textbook for the Undergraduate Course Lectures “Hydraulics and Exercises I”, “Hydraulics II” and “Continuum Mechanics”, Graduate Course Lectures “Viscous Fluid Dynamics” and “Multiphase Flows Dynamics”.
   “Nagare-no-Houteishiki”(Equations of Fluid)
   by Hitoshi Gotoh, Morikita Shuppan Co. Ltd., 2022 (in Japanese)    


Technical book
   “Ryushiho”(Particle Method)
   by Hitoshi Gotoh, Morikita Shuppan Co. Ltd., 2018 (in Japanese)    


Textbook for the Graduate School Lecture “Coastal Wave Dynamics”
   Computational Wave Dynamic
   by Hitoshi Gotoh, Akio Okayasu and Yasunori Watanabe
   World Scientific Publishing Co., 2013
   ISBN: 978-981-4449-70-0


Technical book
   Subcommittee of Numerical Wave Flume, Coastal Engineering Committee,
   (representative editor: Hitoshi Gotoh) Numerical Wave Flume, 2012 (in Japanese)
   Japan Society of Civil Engineers


Textbook for the Graduate School Lecture “Hydraulics of Sediment Transport”
   Computational Mechanics of Sediment Transport
   by Hitoshi Gotoh, Morikita Shuppan Co. Ltd., 2004 (in Japanese)


Former Textbook for the Undergraduate Course Lecture “Coastal Environmental Engineering”
   Introduction to Coastal Engineering(out of print)
   by Professor Tetsuo Sakai, Morikita Shuppan Co. Ltd., 2001 (in Japanese)
